Several volunteers share phoning members with well wishes on their birthday.
Clerical Helpers
Assisting in the office including collating and stapling of Annual Report and Broadcaster, assembling worship service handouts, cutting communion cards and other miscellaneous office duties.
Funeral Serving Groups
Preparing and serving lunch for funerals followed by cleanup.
Skilled Workers
Maintenance of church facility and parsonage as need arises. Such tasks include plumbing, carpentry, electrical and fixing of equipment and buildings.
Hospitality Hosts
Setting up and serving refreshments at various functions such as Enlighten Time, followed by cleanup.
Information Technology Team
Maintenance and troubleshooting of computer equipment and software in sound room and staff offices.
Meets Tuesday afternoon (September to May) to make quilts and baby bundles that are sent to Canadian Lutheran World Relief as well as to individuals in need in our community.
Sunday School
Prepares and deliver lessons, using Sunday School curriculum, to teach children ages 3 to 11 about God and Jesus. Sunday School instruction is from 9:30 am to 10:10 am on Sundays, September to May.
Assist the Sunday School teachers in the classroom.
Vacation Bible School
Assisting at VBS in a variety of ways including storytelling, crafts, games, kitchen helpers, guides, acting and music.
Homebound and Hospital Visiting
Caregiving and comfort to hospitalized and homebound members.
Home Communion Ministry
Administration of consecrated sacraments to members who are unable to attend worship.
Church Council
Consists of the following positions: Boards of Elders, Trustees and Deacons, chairperson and vice-chairperson (who are elected from one of the above boards), secretary, financial secretary, assistant treasurer, and treasurer.
Are entrusted with assisting the pastors in the spiritual development and education of members through program implementation and support.
Are responsible for stewardship and maintaining and protecting the church building and parsonage.
Seek to involve members in worship and service.
Presides at council and congregational meetings, as well as prepares the meeting agenda in consultation with the Lead Pastor.
Presides at meetings when the chairperson is absent.
Keeps the minutes of the council meetings.
Treasurer / Assistant Treasurer
Are entrusted with the funds of the congregation including receiving and disbursing such funds. The treasurer also makes financial reports of financial transactions.
Financial Secretary
Maintains records of and issue receipts for all contributions.
Position terms range from 1 to 3 years.
Responsibilities commence 1/2 hour prior to the start of Sunday worship service. Greeters stand near the main doors and welcome parishioners with a handshake and a warm greeting.
Lay Assistants
Assist the pastors at Sunday worship services. Responsibilities include reading of scripture and other parts of the liturgy, giving communion, assisting in the collection of the offering and greeting parishioners as they leave the church.
Liturgical Environmentalists
A group dedicated to decorating the sanctuary for the various church seasons including Advent, Lent and Easter. The team is also responsible for take-down of decorations as well.
Worship services at Christ are enhanced through a projection system that runs PowerPoint slide shows. Creators put the words of the liturgy and songs/hymns in the slide show using templates and pre-prepared slides.
Run the PowerPoint at the 9:00 am or 11:00 am Sunday worship services (10:00 am May long to September long weekends). Operators are asked to arrive 10 to 15 minutes prior to the beginning of service.
Sound Room Helper
Operate the sound equipment which includes wired and wireless mikes, as well as recording of sermons and services. Sound room helpers volunteer at Sunday worship services and possibly weddings/funerals.