Preparation of the sacraments which includes pouring wine into individual cups and placing bread on communion plates. Altar Guild Servers are also responsible for stocking the pews with pencils, envelopes and communion cards as well as clean-up of communion supplies between and after worship services. Communion takes place on the second, fourth and fifth Sundays of the month.
AVIT Ministry Team
Members purchase, install and maintain AV and IT equipment as well as operate AVIT equipment for
Birthday Callers
Several volunteers share phoning members with well wishes on their birthday.
Clerical Helper
Helps collate and staple various brochures, reports and mail out information.
The Caring Ministry Team (CMT) at Christ Lutheran goal is to support our church family. We need people to connect with the older members of our congregation who may be in care facilities, homebound, or lonely.
Funeral Serving Ministry Team
Lunch preparation, serving and clean up for funerals.
Church Council
Consists of the following positions: Members at Large, Treasurer, and Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary of Governance (who are elected from the Members at Large).
All members on council are entrusted with assisting the pastors in the spiritual development and education of members through program implementation and support. Council members also seek to involve all members in worship and service, and provide guidance for the direction of the congregation and our works and programs.
Is entrusted with the funds of the congregation including receiving and disbursing such funds. The treasurer also makes financial reports of financial transactions.
Presides at council and congregational meetings, as well as prepares the meeting agenda in consultation with the Lead Pastor.
Presides at meetings when the chairperson is absent, and chairs the Standing Committee on Nominations.
Secretary of Governance
Is responsible for ensuring the Bylaws and Rules of Order are followed, and chairs the Standing Committee on Governance.
Position terms are for 2 years.
Worship Arts Ministry Team
Decorate the sanctuary.
Gardening Ministry Team
Maintain the flower beds on the church grounds.
Music Ministry
Meets for practice every Saturday morning (10:30 am to 12:00 pm) from September to May. Music sung varies including hymns, gospel and cantatas. All ages are welcome and prior choir experience is not necessary. Performances occur a few times a year during worship service and at seniors’ complexes including Broadway Terrace and Pioneer Village.
Special Music
Individuals or groups sing and/or play instruments at Sunday worship services and/or at Christ Lutheran’s Christmas concert. Past musicians have included Martin’s Voice, Grace Notes (women’s quartet), jazz group, Luther College High School choir and parishioners.
Mysterium Ministry Team
Mysterium is a meditative, alternative form of worship that takes place the second Friday of the month (except July and August) beginning at 8:00 pm. Involvement with this team includes one, two or all of the following: setup, facilitation and take down. Setup of the worship space involves candle lighting, prayer wall assembly, and preparing the tea lounge among other duties. Facilitation includes procession of the elements, assisting with communion, and playing the piano.
Home Communion Ministry Team
Home communion ministers take communion to the people they have been partnered with, along with bulletins from the past few Sundays and a copy of a Sunday sermon. The home communion ministers serve as an extension of our Sunday morning gathering as they bring the word and sacrament to some of our home bound members.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
People from the congregation knit or crochet prayers shawls/scarves. The prayer shawls and scarves are typically given out to people in hospital, those who are grieving, or experiencing a difficult time in their lives.
Property Ministry Team
A committee who maintain church building and pastor’s parsonage.
Steward Ministry Team
Sunday School Ministry Team
Teachers prepare and deliver lessons based on preselected curriculum. Helpers assist
teachers in the classroom. Children ages 3 to 11 are invited to participate. SS takes place during
Sunday worship from September to May.
Taxi Service Ministry
Make arrangements for members to receive taxi service to Sunday worship.
Assist with worship including handing out bulletins, collecting the offering, helping parishioners find a seat (as needed), lighting candles and guiding people for communion. Usher responsibilities commence 1/2 hour prior to the beginning of worship.
VBS Volunteers
Assist with a variety of activities such as storytelling, crafts, games, decorations,
making snacks, leading/guiding the children, acting and leading music.”
Worship Assistants
Assist the pastors at Sunday worship services. Responsibilities
include reading of scripture and other parts of the liturgy, giving communion, assisting in the
collection of the offering and greeting parishioners as they leave the church.
Communion Servers
Serve bread and wine to parishioners at Sunday worship.