Men's Breakfast Group

Meets every second Saturday at 9:00 AM until 10:30 AM at Regent Family Restaurant located at 3823 Sherwood Drive at the Regent Park Shopping Center.    Join us for food, fun, and fellowship.

Conversation includes faith, sports and what’s happening in our community and the world at large.   All men are welcome.

Please check the church calendar for dates.

For more info, contact Bruno at 306 550 6070

Joy Bible Study Group

The JOY Bible Study Group meets together for Bible study and fellowship at the church on a monthly basis. They participate in the prayer ministry of CLC and they continue the Nursery Roll ministry. The parents of every infant received into Holy Baptism at CLC receives four letters that over 3-4 years acknowledge the sacrament, encourage the parents to celebrate the child's baptismal birthday, bring the child to church / Sunday School, pray for the child and grow in faith as a family.  Each older individual who is received into Holy Baptism receives a letter acknowledging the sacrament and encouraging growth in faith.

Please watch the monthly calendar for dates and times.